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Ashira Gobrin

a transformative executive performance coach, dedicated to propelling individuals and businesses towards unparalleled success.

But first, what's your story?

Are you feeling stuck or restless in your career or personal life?
Have you been trying to get to the "next level" without success?
Do you have BIG goals that you have no idea
how to achieve?
Is fear holding you back from doing and being so much more?
Is there are problem you need to "fix" and don't know where to begin?

You're in the right place.

Ashira's superpower: decoding people.
Laser-focused on your strengths, she not only fuels transformative shifts but expertly unblocks obstacles. Empowered to unlock your complete potential, you'll reach heights beyond your wildest dreams.

Performance Coaching

Are you an ambitious executive looking to elevate your performance? Or an individual aiming to boost your confidence and overcome roadblocks for personal or professional growth?


Gain clarity, take action, and make empowered changes to start seeing results. This experience is all about achieving tangible and profound growth that reflects what you're truly capable of.


Brainspotting is your guide to self-discovery and gives you the power to turn emotional roadblocks into stepping stones. Learn powerful emotional regulation techniques, improve your overall well being and tackle the challenges that come your way. You will discover a more confident, powerful and energized version of yourself.


As a Certified Brainspotting Practitioner, Ashira can help you work through tricky "emotional knots", or expand your creative capacity.


For Corporations

Is your company navigating unprecedented challenges? Need help creating actionable systems or fostering a strong work culture? Seeking support in introducing new approaches to your team?


Get fractional HR advisory and mentoring services, including coaching for CEOs and for your existing HR team. Get the benefit of Ashira's years of experience in building teams and companies.



“I have been working with Ashira as a coach and Mentor for about two years now. I treasure every moment I spend with her but if I have to pick one, it is the time when she told me, ‘you can do anything.’ She is not the first person who told me that, but she is the first person who made me believe that. It is the way she approaches people and business, coaches me, and communicates complex ideas and heavy topics in the clearest way. I wish every C-Level executive had a chance to work with her to improve.”

Client - CEO

About Ashira

Ashira is driven by a fascination with how our mindset impacts success. She dedicates herself to unlocking the full potential of both individuals and businesses. With over 25 years of experience in leading and scaling people and culture functions to build big businesses, she harnesses a wealth of knowledge from lived experience. As a coach, advisor, consultant, and mentor, she leverages her expertise in graphology, executive coaching, and brainspotting to remove obstacles, cultivate talent, and empower leaders.





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